Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Recruiting – We Need You

CFA is a volunteer-based organisation that works to protect the lives and properties of millions of Victorians. We need you to help us with the task of protecting Buxton and environs – it is a rewarding task to share in.

Proudly Volunteer

Overall, CFA has 54,000 members working in over 1,200 brigades across Victoria, ranging from small rural towns to outer metropolitan suburbs. Depending on a brigade’s situation, CFA volunteers undertake a range of tasks such as fighting fires, road rescues, emergency medical response, fundraising, marketing and community education and engagement.

We work together to connect with and help others in the communities in which we live and work. Operationally, CFA members deploy locally, state-wide and interstate when the need arises.

Membership of the Buxton Fire Brigade is open to people who are ready and able to train as operational firefighters, or who have other skills to assist with the primary role of the brigade – protecting life and property.

Equally, if you are already a CFA member and visit Buxton on a regular basis (if you have a recreational property in the area or work in the area) we are keen to connect with you and have you assist us when available.

Firefighters (operational volunteers) respond to fire, road accidents and other incidents where risks are posed to life and/or property. Operational roles may also involve management of vegetation, fire equipment or assisting other emergency agencies.

Operational members complete General Firefighter training before attending incidents; this training is able to be undertaken in a range of flexible modes including components that can be undertaken through self-paced on-line learning. There is a requirement to undertake skill based learning with members of the brigade as a formal assessment. Operational members are required to attend regular training sessions.

Vital non-operational roles include maintenance, administration, planning and education. Not all members are suited to or interested in firefighting themselves but are still valued enablers.

All members are expected to attend brigade meetings and other brigade events. Both new and transferring members are required to undertake a Police Record Check and hold a Working with Children Check. In addition, for people wishing to become a firefighter, you need to be physically fit and must complete a medical disclosure if you have underlying medical conditions.

If you are interested check out our Operational Firefighters or Brigade Support Team pages for additional information. Head to Recruiting on the Contact Us page for details about joining.