Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer


You don’t have to live in Buxton to be part of the Buxton Fire Brigade.

CFA is a volunteer-based organisation that works to protect the lives and properties of millions of Victorians. Overall, CFA has 54,000 members working in over 1,200 brigades across Victoria, ranging from small rural towns to outer metropolitan suburbs. Depending on a brigade’s situation, CFA volunteers undertake a range of tasks such as fighting fires, road rescues, emergency medical response, fundraising, marketing and community education and engagement. We work together to connect with and help others in the communities in which we live and work. Operationally, CFA members deploy locally, state-wide and interstate when the need arises.

Membership of the Buxton Fire Brigade is open to people who are ready and able to train as operational firefighters or who have other skills to assist with the primary role of the brigade – protecting life and property.

Operational members initially train as Bushfire Firefighters but can then progress as either defensive or offensive Structure Firefighters. Along the way, members can undertake a range of specialist training programs that supplement or expand upon their primary roles. First Aid training, Low Voltage Fuse Removal, Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus, Hazardous Materials incident management and Incident Management roles are a small example of the skills that members of Buxton Fire Brigade hold.

Ideally you will be 18 years or older and be physically fit and able to obtain (if not already hold) a Working With Children Check Card; however, it is possible to join as a Senior member of CFA from the age of 16 years.

For people who might not be able to train as a firefighter, there are other roles available to support the overall management and operation of the brigade. These members form part of our Brigade Support Team.

The brigade auspices the Triangle Junior Fire Brigade which is available to young people aged from 11 years through to 16 years of age. More information is available on our Junior Fire Brigade page.

Membership brings a raft of personal benefits to many in our community. The brigade enjoys strong links to the community and it is a great way for those new to the area to connect with others. The brigade supports the Australia Day parade in Marysville, Anzac Day and Remembrance Day commemorations, and the Good Friday Appeal to name a few. In addition, we support other activities in and around the township and wider Triangle.