Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Honour Rolls

✞ indicates award made posthumously

CFA Outstanding Service Awards

CFA Honour: Criteria summary

The Outstanding Service Medal recognises prolonged service distinguished by exceptional performance. It is CFA’s most prestigious internal award outside the valor and bravery listings.

Graham Fiske
Jack Jones

CFA Life Members

CFA Honour: Criteria summary

CFA members with an aggregate dedicated service of not less than 30 years in one or more fire brigades, or with CFA, may be nominated for a CFA Life Membership Medal.

Jack Jones
John Larner
Max Leslie
Graham Fiske ✞
Wayne Fiske
Stan Larner
Bill Kleiss
Wayne Briggs
Ken Carlton
Peter Cureton
Paul Denham AFSM
Stephen McIntosh
Brian Worcester

Brigade Life Members

Brigade Honour: Criteria summary

The Brigade Life Member Medal is awarded at the discretion of the brigade in appreciation for service or support given to that brigade.

Graham Fiske
Jack Jones
John Larner
Wayne Fiske
Stan Larner
Max Leslie
Branko Bektas
Wayne Briggs
Ken Carlton
Jeff Cole
Peter Cureton
Stephen McIntosh
David Perry
Bill Kleiss
John Metcalfe
Brian Worcester

National Emergency Medal

Australian Honour: Criteria summary

The National Emergency Medal may be awarded to members who rendered sustained [or significant] service during specified dates in response to the nationally-significant emergency.

John Larner
2009 Black Saturday
Branko Bektas
2009 Black Saturday
Joash Belousuff
2009 Black Saturday
Wayne Briggs
2009 Black Saturday
Amanda Caller
2009 Black Saturday
Katie Carlton
2009 Black Saturday
Clive Clayton
2009 Black Saturday
Jeff Cole
2009 Black Saturday
Peter Cureton
2009 Black Saturday
Willie Cureton
2009 Black Saturday
Geoff Dowsing
2009 Black Saturday
Graham Eddy
2009 Black Saturday
Wayne Fiske
2009 Black Saturday
Shanon Frith
2009 Black Saturday
Stan Larner
2009 Black Saturday
Steve McIntosh
2009 Black Saturday
Bill Morrison
2009 Black Saturday
Karen Morrison
2009 Black Saturday
Scott Nicholson
2009 Black Saturday
Jeff Reddan
2009 Black Saturday
Adam Schmidt
2009 Black Saturday
Robyn Schrader
2009 Black Saturday
Brian Somers
2009 Black Saturday
Mark Somers
2009 Black Saturday
Bryan Sorrell
2009 Black Saturday
Richard Weppner
2009 Black Saturday
Brian Worcester
2009 Black Saturday
Peter Anderson
2019/2020 Fires
Matt Carlton
2019/2020 Fires
Paul Denham AFSM
2019/2020 Fires (Clasp)
Shanon Frith
2019/2020 Fires (Clasp)
Isaac Sims
2019/2020 Fires

National Medal

Australian Honour: Criteria summary

The National Medal recognises prolongued exposure to hazard in the service of the community and may be awarded for 15 years of eligible service with a Clasp for each subsequent 10 years of service.

Mark Somers
Branko Bektas
Wayne Briggs
Clasp ①
Ken Carlton
Clasp ①
Jeff Cole
Clasp ①
Peter Cureton
Clasp ①②③
Wilhelmina Cureton
Graham Fiske ✞
Clasp ①②③
Wayne Fiske
Clasp ①②
Shanon Frith
Jack Jones ✞
Clasp ①②③
Bill Kleiss
Clasp ①②
Judy Kleiss
John Larner ✞
Clasp ①②③
Stan Larner
Clasp ①②③
Max Leslie
Clasp ①②③④
Stephen McIntosh
Clasp ①
David Perry
Clasp ①②③
Brian Worcester
Clasp ①②
Ken Carlton
Clasp ②
Brian Denham
Clasp ①
Paul Denham AFSM
Clasp ②③
Mark Jones
Clasp ③
Stephen McIntosh
Clasp ②
Brian Worcester
Clasp ③

Brigade Officers


1st Lieut

2nd Lieut

3rd Lieut

4th Lieut





Maurice Keppel
John Preece
Ron West
William Jones
Howard Foletta
John Preece
Ron West
Alan Robb
Les Burchall
Alfred Leveille
R. Pyper
William Robinson
Frank Keppel
Les Burchall
Howard Foletta
Graham Fiske
Wykeham Perry
Macfarlane Gibb
Wykeham Perry
William Robinson
Graham Fiske
Jack Shiels
William Jones
Victor Edwards
Victor Edwards
Jack Short
Jack Jones
Roly Fiske
Les Burchall
Max Stephens
Max Stephens
Frank Keppel
Roly Fiske
Kevin Carlton
Frank Keppel
C.M. Gibbs
K. Barry
K. Barry
Graham Fiske
Max Leslie
Harold Wells
Jack Jones
Jack Jones
Lindsay King
T. Veitch
Gerry Sturre
William Harris
George Lagerwey
William Harris
Kevin Carlton
Max Leslie
Stan Finck
Harry Stumpe
Ian Stephens
Edward Moss
Max Stephens
Stan Larner
Max Leslie
Max Leslie
Ian Stephens
Max Leslie
John Larner
George Lagerwey
Stan Larner
William Harris
John Larner
Wayne Fiske
Max Leslie
Wayne Fiske
Ian Stephens
Kenneth Carlton
Colin Lawrey
Max Leslie
Ramon Jones
Phillip Newton
Andrew Morton
Peter Newman
Peter Newman
Bryan Sorrell
Bryan Sorrell
Phillip Newton
Bryan Sorrell
William Harvey-Hall
William Harvey-Hall
Phillip Newton
Bryan Sorrell
Ted Cliff
Geoffrey Fairhall
Geoffrey Fairhall
Stan Larner
Branko Bektas
Chris Kapakoulakis
Steve McIntosh
Stan Larner
Branko Bektas
John Larner
Clifford Charlton
Yvonne Bellingham
Margaret Daniel
Margaret Daniel
Clive Clayton
Branko Bektas
Max Leslie
Mark Somers
Jeffrey Cole
Bryan Sorrell
Michael Murphy
Mark Somers
Peter Cureton
Adam Schmidt
Jeffrey Cole
Karen Morrison
Marianne Menz
Bill Morrison
Graham Eddy
Graham Eddy
Mark Somers
Peter Cureton
Graham Eddy
Willie Cureton
Peter Berry
Shanon Frith
Bill Kleiss
Matt Carlton
Judy Kleiss
Graham Eddy
Matt Carlton
Phil Ladson
Adam Schmidt
Sally Frith
Sally Frith
Bill Kleiss
Shanon Frith
Matt Carlton
Bill Kleiss
Paul Denham
Judy Kleiss
Graham Eddy
Matt Carlton
Bill Kleiss
Phil Ladson
Isaac Sims
Leonie Redshaw
Isaac Sims
Martin Kok
Peter Anderson
Jenny Tonkin
Phil Ladson
Shanon Frith
Paul Denham
Brian Denham
Paul Frawley
Graham Sims
Alan Grollo