Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Bushfire Preparations

Everyone in Victoria who lives near dense forest, bush, grassland or the coast needs to prepare their property for bushfire. This is no different for properties in and around Buxton and across the wider Triangle area.

Whether you own or live at a property in one of our lovely towns or have a recreational property in or outside the towns or operate a working property in and around Buxton you are at risk of being impacted by a bushfire.

This is simple because fires don’t discriminate and embers travel in the air; a fire in a forest can impact a house in the middle of town and grass or scrub fires can easily impact properties that adjoin open farm land or bush & scrub. It is very important that every property and business in and around Buxton or across the Triangle, just like anywhere else in Victoria, has a Bushfire Survival Plan, keeps it up-to-date, and practices it with others.

CFA has excellent e-learning packages designed for people who work in bushfire areas or travel to bushfire areas as part of their work on their e-Learning for Workers. CFA can also deliver these session at workplaces (or for community groups) as group-based sessions; further details are available on the CFA website.

You don't have to live near bush to be at risk of fire. Grassfire can be just as dangerous as bushfire; know what to do if you live close to grass in a rural area or where the townships meet grasslands or areas of scrub.

When preparing your Bushfire Survival Plan, you also need to plan and prepare for the safety of your domestic pets including large animal pets. In addition, those on the land need to consider their livestock.

Take time to check out CFA’s resources dealing specifically with pets and large animal pets along with considerations for livestock. When developing your plan consider your options to temporarily move horses and large animal pets on Severe, Extreme or Code Red days. Think about what measures might need to be implemented to best protect your livestock.

Take the time to visit the CFA website to find out more about how to prepare a Bushfire Survival Plan and what you need to consider to do so.

The brigade has members qualified to provide advice on how to better prepare your property – check the Property Advice Visit page for details.
