Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Mark Jones: Awards Presentations (20/04/2024)

CFA Service Award: 5 years

Mark Jones was recognised for 5 years of service to CFA. He joined the brigade in January 2018 as a Probationary Member and qualified as a Wildfire Firefighter in June 2018. He is the brigade's Safety Officer.

(L-R) Commander Justin Dally, Firefighter Mark Jones, Captain Paul Denham AFSM.

Third Clasp to the National Medal

Mark and Lorraine Jones moved to Buxton shortly after his retirement from the Queensland Police Force in 2017. They landed in Mimosa Court and Mark joined the fire brigade not long after that in January 2018.

He joined the Victoria Police Force as a spritely 17-year-old and served with VicPol for over 25 years before moving to Queensland Police Force in 2000. Mark spent most his time in the far north areas of Queensland.

Mark first qualified for the National Medal as a police officer and went on to earn the first and second clasps in policing roles. He holds the Victoria Police Medal and the Queensland Police Medal. Following the uprisings on Palm Island, riots broke out at the Aurukun Police Station where Mark was the Officer-in-Charge; he and other officers were recognised for their brave actions during those troubles. In particular, Mark was presented with the Queensland Police Commissioner’s Commendation for Bravery.

Since joining Buxton Fire Brigade, Mark has pursued training opportunities to ensure he can contribute not only as a firefighter but in other capacities. Along with Steve McIntosh and others, Mark completed the Low Structure course last year which has greatly increased the brigade’s structure profile.

He currently serves as our Health and Safety Officer.

Within the Triangle Community at large, his voice is known over the airwaves as one of UGFM’s announcers and presenters. As a Disk Jockey for our local Emergency Broadcaster, Marks police and fire experience is of great benefit to our community; a calm voice in times of need!

Mark’s qualifying service for award of the Third Clasp is a mix of service to the Queensland Police Force and the Country Fire Authority of Victoria.

Mark Jones is a worthy recipient of the Third Clasp to the National Medal.

(L-R) Commander Justin Dally, CFA Board Member Ross Coyle, Firefighter Mark Jones, Captain Paul Denham AFSM.