Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

John Metcalfe: Awards Presentations (20/04/2024)

Brigade Life Membership

This evening, the honour of Brigade Life Member was bestowed on long term brigade member John Metcalfe.

According to the recently published Buxton history book, “Buxton – its past, present, people and places”, John Metcalfe first came to Buxton in 1986 when he settled on a peaceful half-acre bush block which backs onto the Steavenson River. This is still his home in Mareeba Avenue where he has lived permanently since 1997.

In his contribution to the history book, entitled “The Deaf Bushman from Buxton”, John says “The highlights [of his time in Buxton] have been membership of the Buxton CFA, the Alexandra Camera Club and the Men’s Shed. After the 2009 Bushfire, John wrote an article about his experiences during and after the fire which is reproduced in the history book; it is a very powerful read that every member of the brigade should read. In the article, John says “I am a CFA member. I want to help the CFA but it is too hard because I am deaf”.

John has been a member of Buxton Fire Brigade since March 2002 and was awarded his 20 Year CFA Service Medal in 2022. He has served the brigade diligently for more than 22 years and can be relied upon to “be there” to help with all sorts of activities around the station. While he hasn't been a firefighter, notwithstanding his disability, John has made a significant contribution to the brigade and continues to do so. He can be relied on to attend brigade meetings, can crush sessions, and station maintenance days.

He is the first to grab a broom and mop and give the station the once over. John has collected for the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal for many years.

We are very fortunate to have John as a member of our brigade and he is a worthy recipient of Life Membership of Buxton Fire Brigade.

Brigade Life Member John Metcalfe (Right) with Captain Paul Denham AFSM (Left).