Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

CFA Outstanding Service Medal Presentations (20/04/2024)

This evening CFA presented medals to the families of two extremely well respected deceased members who, in their day, served the Buxton Fire Brigade for many many years. Jack Jones and Graham Fiske served as Secretary and Captain, respectively, for over 27 years. They both joined CFA on the same day, were elected to their respective positions on the same day, and finished on the same day. An amazing contribution that was recognised with the Outstanding Service Award.

The Outstanding Service Medal recognises prolonged service distinguished by exceptional performance. It is CFA’s most prestigious internal award outside the valor and bravery listings. It is for outstanding or meritorious service, outstanding achievement and outstanding contribution in the attainment of the objectives of CFA and for an outstanding contribution involving a broad range of activities for a significant period of time or for outstanding leadership in the encouragement and development of others within CFA and for fostering and furthering the aims of CFA to the long-term benefit of the fire service and the community.

Medal are now being presented by CFA to those recipients that received the award before the medal was struck. When Graham and Jack were originally awarded Outstanding Service they simply got a certificate; now the families have a medal to go with the certificate.

We are very proud of the service given by Graham and Jack. They both made an outstanding contribution to CFA, the brigade, and the Buxton community. They provided outstanding leadership in the encouragement and development of others within CFA and fostered and furthered the aims of CFA together over an amazing period of 27 years.

(L-R): CFA Board Member Ross Coyle, Firefighter Ken Carlton (for Jack Jones), Brigade Life Member Wayne Fiske (for Graham Fiske), Commander Justin Dally, Captain Paul Denham AFSM.