Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Brigade Stalwart recognised for 65 years of Service (03/07/2022)

On the afternoon of 03 July 2022, on the farm where he spent most of his life, Buxton Fire Brigade paid tribute to David Perry for an outstanding 65 years of service to the Brigade and the Country Fire Authority.

Dave is one of those people who never seek the "lime light" but are always there when you need a hand, when you just need someone to help with getting the truck ready for the next call or some little job sorted out around the station. Ever reliable and ever willing to help. He joined Buxton Fire Brigade in January 1956 and served as an operational member until 2008. After more than 50 years as a firefighter, he stepped down as an active firefighter but continued to support the brigade in other ways. Dave is the longest serving member of the brigade today and was presented with the National Medal for Service with third clasp in 2019.

The presentation of his 65 year CFA Service Award was made, on behalf of CFA District 12, by Alexandra Group Officer, Shanon Frith, assisted by Buxton’s immediate past Captain, Matt Carlton. A number of other brigade members accompanied Shanon and Matt to the Perry farm for the occasion.

After the presentations, Matt described David as being very humble in his acceptance of the award. In accepting the medal, David said "I am sure there has been other members that have done more than I have, but I am so grateful for the time I have spent at the brigade". Dave went on to say "It has been a pleasure to be part of such a generous and supportive brigade." He also mentioned the importance of volunteering and felt that everybody should consider joining their local fire brigade saying "there are many roles available that anyone can do apart from firefighting".

The Buxton Fire Brigade is very grateful for the service that David Perry has provided not just our brigade but the entire Triangle area over so many many years.

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