Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Awards Presentations (2022)

Recognising 325 Years of service to Community

Following the brigade’s March brigade meeting this morning, a number of our brigade members were honored with CFA Service Awards or Certificates of Service. A massive 325 years of service to the community was recognized with presentations to fourteen individuals; ranging from an initial 5 year Certificate of Service to a fantastic 50 Years Service Award. The presentations were made by Commander Paul Brislin, on behalf of CFA, with the assistance of Captain Matthew Carlton and Secretary Jennifer Tonkin.

Recipients, in order of presentation, were:

Brian Worcester responded on behalf of all recipients saying how much of a privilege it has been to be part of the CFA and Buxton Fire Brigade. “It isn’t always easy but it is rewarding”, Brian said.

Kris Carlton, Paul Frawley, Lucinda Frawley, Wayne Briggs and David Perry were unable to attend this morning and will receive their presentations at a later date.

A special presentation was also made by the brigade to Matthew and Johanna Carlton to honor their recent marriage. The presentation was made by Lieutenant Phil Ladson and Life Member Wayne Fiske. In keeping with tradition, Matt got to nominate what they would like for a wedding gift and Matt asked for a ladder to help him do maintenance around their new home. Our congratulations go to Matthew and Johanna; we wish them all the best for the future. 

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