Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Brigade Annual General Meeting (05/06/2022)

On Sunday, 05 June 2022, the brigade held it's Annual General Meeting and elections at the Buxton Memorial Hall. Once again, due to Covid, the brigade used the hall to ensure better spacing. A small number of members participated via Zoom.

A new team has been elected with a couple of the current officers deciding not to continue in their roles. Captain Matt Carlton has moved away from Buxton after his marriage earlier in the year. We are very grateful for the time that Matt has given to the brigade during his time as our leader. The key positions elected this morning were:

Our thanks to Chris and Scott from Alexandra Group who attended to conduct the election on behalf of CFA District 12. The brigade held it's quarterly General Meeting after the AGM. Thank you also to Andy Cowan and Liz Amos, from the Buxton Progress Association, who acted as independent scrutineers for the elections.

Service Award Presentation

Following the AGM, five year service awards were presented to Kris Carlton and Isaac Sims. Thanks go to DGO Chris Lynch from Alexandra Group who presented certificates to Kris and Isaac assisted by Lt Phil Ladson.

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