Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Lucky Escape from High Impact Vehicle Accident (20/04/2021)

Just after midday today, Buxton and Marysville brigades were paged to a motor vehicle accident at the Steavenson River bridge on the Buxton-Marysville Road near Retreat Road. Marysville SES were also responded as the road rescue agency. The Marysville ambulance Community Support Officers were the first emergency services workers on scene and rendered assistance to the driver who was still in the vehicle. Marysville Police also attended and assumed control of the incident.

Thankfully the sole occupant wasn't seriously hurt and was able to assist with their extraction from the vehicle once the ambulance crews were happy with their condition. The driver was transported to hospital for observations while SES and CFA crews made the vehicle safe. Buxton Tanker 1 stood by with a charged hose line until the vehicle was removed off the road.

Marysville SES used their rescue equipment to assist with gaining access to the LPG isolation valve in the trunk area of the vehicle. Due to the vehicle having hit the bridge pylon backwards the rear passenger quarter had suffered significant damage requiring the boot lid to be removed and part of the structure cut out.

Traffic on the road was blocked for the duration of the incident with SES members undertaking traffic control.

Today's incident is a timely reminder for motorists to drive to the road conditions. While the cause of the accident is unclear, the road was wet from a recent shower of rain and was most likely very slippery.

Please slow down and arrive safely.

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