Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

New flagpoles for School and Memorial Hall (24/05/2021)

Today a number of our brigade members participated in a working bee at the Buxton Memorial Hall to assist with standing new flagpoles and establishing new garden beds. The project is an initiative of the Buxton Progress Association and Buxton Primary School which has been funded through a grant from the Department of Veteran Affairs. Today was the culmination of phase one of the project with the standing of the three modern flagpoles which are now flying the Australian National Flag, Aboriginal Flag and Torres Strait Islander Flag. A new garden has been established at the base of and adjoining the flagpoles.

The poles were delivered last year and, due to Covid delaying work, were stored at a nearby property of a brigade member. A number of skills developed through their involvement with CFA were utilised by members including a SMEACS style safety briefing before standing the poles.

The gardens have been designed by our Brigade Secretary, Jenny Tonkin, who studied horticulture at Burnley. Jenny managed a group of community volunteers today to complete the flagpole garden works. Well done Jenny.

The flagpole and gardens project is another example of the brigade collaborating with other community groups like the Buxton Progress Association (which manages the hall) and the school. We look forward to seeing the second phase complete later in the year with the establishment of the new reflective garden between the hall and bus stop.

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