Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Cathedral rescue stretches Well into the Night (07/01/2021)

At 6:35pm this evening, Buxton Fire Brigade was responded to an incident on the Cathedral involving an injured 33 year old male. Supported by Marysville SES and the Marysville Fire Brigade, a Control Point was established at the Sugarloaf Saddle carpark.

SES personnel made good time in reaching the patient in 35 minutes in order to provide the initial Incident Controller, Captain Matt Carlton, with a situation report on the nature of the patient's condition and injuries. The man was one of a party of three hiking along the Razorback and was around 25m from the top of the Sugarloaf Peak, on Wells Track, when he is believed to have slipped sustaining an injury to his right shoulder.

Further SES members escorted two Ambulance Victoria medics, from the Marysville unit, up to the patient via Canyon Track (considered the best access) in order for his condition to be assessed and to decide if the HEMS helicopter would be able to lift him.

Corresponding with the initial call-out, high and steep angle rescue teams were responded from Monbulk CFA, Wandin CFA and FRV Dandenong (formally CFA). Upon arrival of the Wandin crews, due to his knowledge of the area, Captain Carlton transferred control of the incident to Group Officer Frith and escorted those members to the incident site along with members from Marysville CFA. Those crews reached the patient in 45 to 50mins. The HEMS helicopter arrived around the same time but it was decided not to winch due to the difficulty of the location and weather.

A number of local resources were released around 1:00am this morning. At the time of posting, the patient had been moved to the top of the Sugarloaf Peak and the VicPol Search and Rescue squad had arrived on scene with further planning underway on how to extricate the patient.

Well done to all involved, volunteer and career personnel alike, who continue to #WeWorkAsOne

End Note: The patient was later winched out by the VicPol helicopter under supervision of VicPol SaR. VicPol, AV, Monbulk, Wandin and Dandenong cleared the scene around 3:30am after a very very long night.

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