Buxton Fire Brigade

100% Volunteer

Annual General Meeting (14/03/2021)

This morning the brigade gathered at the Buxton Memorial Hall for its delayed 2020 Annual General Meeting and the election of Officers and the brigade management team.

Covid restrictions had meant the AGM couldn't be held in June 2020. Last year was the scheduled election year and the management team stayed in place for an extended period until elections could be held.

With easing of restrictions, it was possible for a meeting to be held and the community hall was used to ensure social distancing practices were complied with. With the station's meeting room being too small for the numbers required for a meeting, it was decided the Hall was a better venue than the engine bay.

Captain Matt Carlton provided a comprehensive report for the 2019/2020 period which extended into 2021 due Covid. With input from each of the functional roles, a strong and consistent theme in the report was the impact of Covid and how each manager worked to keep the brigade active and viable during the lockdown and throughout the pandemic.

With two of the current Lieutenants in the process of moving out of the area, the election results see a change in the management team of the brigade.

Election Results

Congratulations to the new brigade leadership team as well as those who have taken on representative roles to enable the brigade to participate in the wider CFA.

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